Andrew is a Principal and Project Manager who focuses on establishing strong, collaborative teams based on trust and empathy. He believes building consensus starts with an authentic understanding of each project’s needs, stakeholder goals, and an ability to align resources with creative design solutions. Balancing the practical aspects of a project with artistic aspirations requires a thorough knowledge of design and the construction process, and a dedication to curiosity and hard work.

What early influences shaped your current career path?

My path to architecture was a circuitous one and not the one I initially intended. I went to college wanting to be a writer, but quickly found myself drawn to geology which offered an opportunity explore New England and the Canadian Arctic while learning about tectonic processes and constructing paleoclimatic records. I have always been intrigued by my surroundings and loved to explore new places. While geology certainly offered that, there was something about the built environment that kept pulling at me. Experiencing how people live and work and seeing how a culture and the physical environment shape a place and the design aesthetic just fascinates me. And that fascination led me to a career in architecture.

What excites you about design?

I see design as a holistic way of connecting to an environment. The social aspects of how space improves people’s lives, from small-scale projects that improve employee satisfaction in an office, to projects that impact whole communities, is a major driver for me. I also am energized by how architectural design combines a lot of my interests. There is an artistic component and a technical / practical component that I employ to help solve my client’s problems collaboratively. It’s about how spaces and people fit together and realize the needs and goals of people in a built environment. I’ve learned that doing things by yourself is an impossibility.