
Research Perspectives: Getting A Feel For Empathetic Design

Integrating Research into the Healthcare Design Process

Patients and families are confronted daily with difficult decisions that impact their future, and caregivers are responding to patient needs in a swiftly changing healthcare system. Designing healthcare environments that address patients’ wellbeing while increasing caregiver efficiency is the goal of good design. Yet successful healthcare design often depends on an in-depth understanding of how people use and experience spaces.

As such, empathetic design is gaining prominence as a way for designers to truly see and experience the healthcare environment as patients see and experience it. Rather than rely exclusively on the trackable data of evidence-based design (EBD), Lean planning, practice-based research, and patient experience strategies, empathetic design relies more on experiential data.

Yet empathetic design isn’t necessarily new; it’s instead evolutionary, as healthcare planners continuously research and implement different strategies to better empathize with the patient. What is new is that digital technology creates a more immersive deep-dive into the patient experience that further informs existing best practices.

For more information, read the complete blog in Healthcare Design Magazine.